NOAA Teacher's at Sea
NOAA's Teacher at Sea Program

The application for the 2025 NOAA Teacher at Sea Program is closed. Applicants will be notified via email by early February 2025. Thank you for your interest. If you would like to apply for 2026, please check our website in October 2025 for more information.

Please send your questions to

For Reviewers Only

Welcome to the Online Review System for NOAA's Teacher at Sea Program

Reviewers: Please use the most recent version of either Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer on a Windows PC when completing your reviews. Login below with your existing user name and password to access the applications.

You have 5 attempts to enter your correct user name and password before you will be locked out. If you are locked out, contact

If you forgot your user name or password, click the links Forgot User Name? or Forgot Password? to have your user name or a temporary password emailed to you.

For other technical support, contact


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